We offer Private Antenatal Care!
From the beginning of 2020 Dr Kristin Cornell and Dr Sam Newbury are offering women the option of private antenatal care through Warrnambool Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Pregnancy is different for every woman and with each child. There are a number of options for antenatal care within Warrnambool and we are excited to add a Private Antenatal care option for women who are looking for continuous specialist Obstetric input throughout their pregnancy.
You now have the ability to choose which Obstetrician you see throughout your pregnancy in collaboration with our Midwife through our private rooms at Warrnambool Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
The details
Once your pregnancy is confirmed you may wish to choose to be referred for antenatal care to one of our Obstetricians.
You will need to see your General Practitioner for a referral.
If there are any concerns or problems during your pregnancy they will be addressed principally by our Obstetricians in the private rooms where practical.
Sometimes it may be necessary for further assessment at the SWHC Pregnancy Assessment unit or the Maternity Ward.
During the times your Obstetrician is away, care would be continued by either Dr Cornell or Dr Newbury.
What does it include?
- Continuity of care with the Obstetrician of your choice, supported by one of our own midwives.
- A scheduled visit in the first trimester, followed by visits at 14, 18, 22, 28, 31, 34, 36, 38 and 40 weeks as well as any additional visits required for complex pregnancies.
- A visit to South West Healthcare (SWHC) to book in for delivery with a midwife at 18 weeks. This involves mental health and wellbeing screening.
What does this NOT include?
- After hours Emergency care - after hours emergencies should be directed to the Women's Health Unit at SWHC, with your pregnancy record. You will however have a contact number for general pregnancy advice that is not an emergency.
- Care at the time of your delivery - During your delivery you will be under the care of the experienced Obstetricians, junior doctors and midwives of SWHC - a team which includes Dr Cornell and Dr Newbury, as part of a rotating on call roster.
Our fees
- The fee for this private service is $2800 for the term of your pregnancy (from when you enroll in the service until the birth of your baby- this price may vary), which is unfortunately non-rebatable through Medicare or your health fund.
- This includes all of your pregnancy visits and in-clinical ultrasound scans which we will provide at most visits.
- You do not need private insurance to access this model of care.
Exciting times!
We are very excited to be able to provide you with a specialist Obstetric, continuity of care model for your pregnancy. You will benefit from expert advice and experience throughout your pregnancy and we look forward to being able to look after you - please contact Kim Wood, our Practice Manager, with any further questions on 03 5562 2601