Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS affects 12-18% of Australian women.
It is a complicated hormonal condition that is much more than having to many cysts on your ovaries.

PCOS can be complicated
We think these 5 brochures explain each aspect of it the best!
Monash University PCOS patient information - www.monash.edu
Have a look and see if you might suffer from PCOS.
A little insight into how PCOS is managed.
PCOS effects your fertility and your ability to get pregnant. Have a look and see how you might be able to get pregnant.
PCOS effects many aspects of your life and there are a few lifestyle changes that will benefit you and your future health. Take a look!
Sometimes having PCOS can be emotionally draining and caring for your mental health is as important as your physical. Here are some ways to help you.

What is PCOS?
Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a complex condition involving imbalances between your bodies hormones.
Women with PCOS experience the condition in a variety of ways and no two women are the same.
It can present with many different features including:
Psychological (anxiety, depression, body image issues)
Reproductive (irregular menstrual cycles, hirsutism, infertility and pregnancy complications)
Metabolic features (insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, prediabetes, T2 diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors)
How is PCOS Diagnosed?
PCOS is diagnosed using Medical history, Examination, Blood tests and Ultrasound scans of the ovaries. At least 2 of the following areas must be present for the diagnosis

​There can be a change in your ovaries appearance and function.
Increased ovary volume- usually more than 10ml
More than twelve small cysts on your ovary that are less than 10mm in size
There must be no main follicle at the time of the scan

​There can be an imbalance of hormones
High levels of androgens (male hormones) in your blood
Clinical evidence of increased androgens such as acne, hair growth or male pattern baldness

Menstrual problems
Your menstrual cycle can be hard to predict and heavy
Irregular menstrual cycles
Long gaps without a menstrual cycle
Not ovulating
At Warrnambool Obstetrics and Gynaecology our staff have a special interest in managing women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
We have experienced fertility specialists available for any women looking to get pregnant and can coordinate treatment with fertility treatment options to give you your best chance of a successful pregnancy.
For an appointment see your GP and get a referral!
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Patient Information Brochures
These information sheets are intended to be used as a guide for information of general nature, having regard to general circumstances only. The companies which create them offer them freely available for use in clinical practice and If you are looking for more detailed information we encourage you to visit their websites.
Each sheet reflects information available at the time of its preparation, but its currency should be determined having regard to other available information. the companies responsible for the production of this information disclaims all liability to users of the information provided.